58 research outputs found

    Why Should We Teach Tourism at Universities?

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    Germans\u27 tourist behaviour in Sweden

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    Tourism research has identified a number of factors that influence tourist behaviour, among them socio-demographic characteristics and the number of previous visits. This article argues that also tourists\u27 spatial mobility, the time period within the holiday, the characteristics of the places visited, and the access to information act as important determinants for the level and choice of tourist activities. Focus in this analysis is lying on German car tourists in Sweden. For this study, a combination of methodologies is employed. This includes travel diaries on access to information as well as on type, place and length of activities, which were written by the respondents during their holiday in Sweden, and personal interviews, which were carried out after the respondents had returned home. Tourist behaviour was found to be similar to the respondents\u27 behaviour at home, and place in combination with a limited time period and the absence of externally imposed routines was a major factor for this. In general, tourists took part in an activity for a relatively short period time before moving on. The level of spatial mobility was found to positively influence the level of tourist activity, and was to a great part responsible for the succession of activities. The time period within the holiday did not specifically influence activities, but so did access to tourist information, which affected the choice and duration of activities. Guidebooks were found to constitute the most important tourist information for the analysed tourist group

    Information search in tourism

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    Germans\u27 tourist behaviour in Sweden

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    Tourism research has identified a number of factors that influence tourist behaviour, among them socio-demographic characteristics and the number of previous visits. This article argues that also tourists\u27 spatial mobility, the time period within the holiday, the characteristics of the places visited, and the access to information act as important determinants for the level and choice of tourist activities. Focus in this analysis is lying on German car tourists in Sweden. For this study, a combination of methodologies is employed. This includes travel diaries on access to information as well as on type, place and length of activities, which were written by the respondents during their holiday in Sweden, and personal interviews, which were carried out after the respondents had returned home. Tourist behaviour was found to be similar to the respondents\u27 behaviour at home, and place in combination with a limited time period and the absence of externally imposed routines was a major factor for this. In general, tourists took part in an activity for a relatively short period time before moving on. The level of spatial mobility was found to positively influence the level of tourist activity, and was to a great part responsible for the succession of activities. The time period within the holiday did not specifically influence activities, but so did access to tourist information, which affected the choice and duration of activities. Guidebooks were found to constitute the most important tourist information for the analysed tourist group

    The curious case of online information search

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    A spatial approach on tourists’ travel routes in Sweden

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    Bakgrund Destinationer och deras attraktioner har varit föremĂ„l för omfattande forskning. Detta gĂ€ller emellertid inte de olika förfl yttningar som görs under en resa. Förfl yttningarna görs inte bara till och frĂ„n en destination, utan ocksĂ„ pĂ„ sjĂ€lva destinationen. Under de sista Ă„ren har sĂ„ kalllade multidestinationsresor blivit allt populĂ€rare, dĂ€r turister reser frĂ„n en plats till en annan lĂ€ngs en resrutt. I denna studie har turisters olika förfl yttningar i Sverige undersökts. Som mĂ„lgrupp har tyska bilturister valts, som utgör en av de viktigaste inkommande besöksgrupperna nĂ€r det gĂ€ller fl erdagsresor. I studien ingĂ„r bĂ„de turister som gör en rundresa genom Sverige, och de som bor pĂ„ en och samma plats och gör dagsutfl ykter dĂ€rifrĂ„n. Syfte och metod Syftet med studien Ă€r att undersöka hur typiska resrutter ser ut och vilka faktorer som pĂ„verkar dessa. Vidare analyseras turisternas resvana i Sverige samt resans lĂ€ngd. Även frĂ„gan om det fi nns Ă„terkommande resmönster, som sker oberoende av attraktionerna, belyses. Data har samlats in med hjĂ€lp av resdagböcker som 70-talet tyska bilturister skrev under sin resa genom Sverige. Varje dag skrev de ned hur lĂ„ngt de körde, var och varför de stannade och vilka aktiviteter de deltog i. Dessutom ritade de upp sin dagliga resrutt pĂ„ en karta. Datainsamlingen gjordes under sommaren 2004. Resultat Resultaten visar att de fl esta turisterna reser enligt en viss rytm, oberoende av attraktioner som besöks. Antalet tidigare besök i Sverige pĂ„verkar inte den individuella rytmen. DĂ€remot visar det sig att ett större antal tidigare besök i Sverige ökar benĂ€genheten att resa lĂ€ngre norrut. Tiden som turisten spenderar i Sverige Ă€r en viktig faktor för dagliga förfl yttning. Turister som Ă€r i Sverige kortare tid reser inte kortare total körstrĂ€cka, utan kompenserar en kortare vistelsetid med lĂ€ngre dagliga körstrĂ€ckor
